Dec 18, 2019
Sam Dodge, homeless coordinator for the San Francisco Department of Public Works, talks about California’s battle with homelessness, our most significant problem of this past year and our most important and consequential challenge in 2020.
Dec 9, 2019
Sam Liccardo, the 65th mayor of San Jose, shares his view of the city as facing unique challenges and only now coming into its own. Liccardo also discusses his effort to get elected leaders around the state behind a proposal to turn PG&E into a customer-owned utility.
Dec 3, 2019
David Ulin, the former L.A. Times book editor, interprets Joan Didion, just as she interpreted California. As the editor of the new multi-volume edition of her collected works, Ulin shares insights about Didion as a writer and cultural figure and about her vision of California.
Nov 21, 2019
John Dunbar, the newly elected president of the League of California Cities, explains how the organization — made up of nearly 500 cities, more than 3,000 local elected officials, and 50 board members, all with different agendas and each struggling against Sacramento for local control — really works.
Nov 12, 2019
Paul Theroux, the renowned travel writer and author of the new book "On the Plain of Snakes: A Mexican Journey," takes the trip that all of us in California should take to understand our southern neighbor. Traveling by car along the border and deep into the interior of Mexico, he helps us appreciate the people and...